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What is School Community Council?

The purpose of the School Community Council (SCC) is to build consistent and effective communications among parents, employees, and administrators and to allow parents an opportunity to be actively involved with the school in the education of their children. The SCC is responsible to develop a School Improvement Plan and a School Land Trust Plan. This past year, the council appropriated $103,000 to implement the school improvement plan and facilitate student achievement. Please contact any member of the council if you have questions or concerns about the School Improvement Plan or any other issue at Snow Springs.

Council vacancies are filled every Fall. Please contact Mr. Schmidt if you are interested in being on the council.

Community Council Members

 Principal– Jory Schmidt

joryschmidt@alpinedistrictdotorg / 801-610-8719

 Parent Member – Rachel Paulich

rwpaulich@gmaildotcom / 801-500-0270

Chair/Parent Member – Janae Hanvey

janaehanvey@gmaildotcom / 801-360-3777

Vice_Chair/Parent Member– Rachael Hales

rachaelhales87@gmaildotcom / 801-360-5482

Parent Member– Jami Mickelsen

jamimickelsen@gmaildotcom / 801-851-0360

 Parent Member– Kenneth Madill

kcmadill@gmaildotcom / 801-867-0627

School Member– Susan Winters

swinters@alpinedistrictdotorg / 801-610-8719

School Member– Austin Alm

aalm@alpinedistrictdotorg / 801-610-8719

Parent Member– Katie Huskinson

katiehuskinson84@gmaildotcom / 801-753-8842